Welcome to Gitea

Gitea is a community fork of the popular self-hosted Git service Gogs. We’re a growing group of former Gogs users and contributors who found the single-maintainer management model of Gogs frustrating and thus decided to make an effort to build a more open and faster development model.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.gitea.io/2016/12/welcome-to-gitea/
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It’s great that such fork was created :slight_smile:

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two years are passed out! now i can see two solutions and targets:

  1. gogs: install once, run without worry, simplicity at the highests level!
  2. gitea: lot of features, special for big projects, take care of updates!

If you want simplicity and secure app: gogs, if you need lot of features, organization groups and great people involvement: use gitea!

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What makes Gogs a one and done affair? I’m actually not familiar with the project. But the simplicity statement leads me to believe it’s hosted. Is Gogs hosted? I found Gitea to be fairly straight forward as a self-hosted option for my personal code. But that’s just me.

gogs are more simple rather than gitea! gitea was a fork from gogs to added more features… gitea has many features respect gogs… if you want something simple and secure use gogs… for something more like gitlab but with no pain gitea

Thanks for the heads up. I’m so attracted to Arc Green (the dark theme) I’m not sure if there’re plans to add that to Gogs. Any idea? :heart_eyes:

as i said, only gitea has those features, gogs are focused in simplicity and security..the most close to a theme are the custom css , see it https://gogs.io/docs/features/custom_template#include-custom-css-file

I don’t see your point about security here as both gogs and gitea share same code base in point where gitea was forked from gogs and from security point of view there has been nothing much in gogs done that would not be done in gitea. For high security problems some are fixed faster in gitea than gogs and if problem is shared we try to even submit fixed to gogs

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umm that sound very interesting, so i want to ask why gitea has too many security releases respect gogs?¡ and i can see that users of gogs dont worry about that?
i means, i cannot take time to constants upgrades!. … I understand they’re not so much but your said that “fixed faster in gitea than gogs and if problem is shared we try to even submit fixed to gogs”, so that means gogs ignore thems?

Gogs just does not mention in release announcements what have been changed, I can see that many issues already fixed in gitea are still present in gogs. We try to be as open as possible to warn our users especially if security issues have been fixed.


@mckaygerhard many times, the security reports will be sent to both gitea and gogs as I know.

in a quick view of open and closed issues “kind:security” most on gitea are pretty same in gogs… but i do not see that gogs have too many opened that already was solved in gitea!

oh! that i see its that in every new release with many new featurs and code there’s mo0re of “kind/bug” in gitea rather than in gogs! that makes sense about that i said!