Table 'gitea.action_task_output' doesn't exist


I’m starting to play with Gitea Actions, and while it seems to work without issue (I can see the output of the different job’s steps in the interface), I get all a lot of this message in the Gitea log…

...ons/runner/runner.go:148:UpdateTask() [W] Failed to find the sent outputs of task xxx: Error 1146 (42S02): Table 'gitea.action_task_output' doesn't exist

I did not found what’s that table is supposed to look like or an open issue related to that…

Any idea on this message and how to solve it ? Is this database indeed supposed to exists and where could I find it’s schema ?

I’m running 1.20.2, on docker with mysql backend…

Many thanks!

Same. Any progress on this?

This seems to be the same as Failing to download artifact -> 500 error · Issue #25630 · go-gitea/gitea · GitHub, which has a fix merged (Actions Artifacts support uploading multiple files and directories by fuxiaohei · Pull Request #24874 · go-gitea/gitea · GitHub) targeting 1.21 release.

Same issue on my end using compiled from source 1.22 or downloaded 1.21.

Tried postgres/sqlite3 as DB backends, same result. Tried also different act_runner versions.

The issue seems to have appeared overnight, with no changes to any of the above.

I am also getting the following:

...ons/runner/runner.go:198:UpdateTask() [W] Failed to find the sent outputs of task 211: pq: relation "action_task_output" does not exist

I am testing with the demo workflow from gitea, nothing out of the ordinary, just printouts. The act runner appears to complete:

[Gitea Actions Demo/build] 🏁  Job succeeded

I have “resolved” the issue. Albeit I haven’t pinpointed the culprit, it seems to have something to do with me routing the act_runner ↔ gitea connection through a haproxy+nginx combo. I haven’t the time currently to debug it, but pointing the act_runner to gitea via a direct IP ( circumventing the haproxy+nginx setup ) has solved my issue.

Note: reverted to 1.21 and act_runner 0.25