Resetting required git version

I recently tried to upgrade my gitea site to 1.23.1, and afterward, it wouldn’t start. Checking the logs, the problem looks like it is looking for git 2.42, but I’m on Ubuntu Server 22.04, which provides git 2.34.1.

I reverted the executable back to 1.22.6, but it is still looking for git 2.42. I presume this means that 1.23.1 has set some stored variable with the minimum git version required. Any idea how I can set to site to run with 1.22.6 again?

My guess is the DB migrations ran and it set something in there. If it were me I’d probably install git via source elsewhere like /opt (using something like linux - Install git or update git without apt-get or yum - Stack Overflow ).

Then set git path via Configuration Cheat Sheet | Gitea Documentation

OR you could always see if someone offers a PPA offering newer versions of git. Just add that, upgrade git only then “hold” it however apt does it (something like apt madison hold git?) I work mainly with rpm distros anymore but it’s something like that.