Update path 1.14.4 => 1.20.1?


I am currently running gitea v1.14.4. Unfortunately I did not realize that I installed it manually back then and not using apt. I have it running on metal.

So I’ve read the various release notes of the various releases I would jump over and found LOTs of breaking changes. After scrolling through them I decided to better ask for advise here before actually doing it.

My update process would be simple: download the latest binary, replace it, restart. Can I do this? Or do I need to upgrade step-by-step (1.14 => 1.15 => 1.16 etc)? Are there known steps I need to execute after such an update?

Thanks in advance,

  1. Make a backup beforehand!
  2. If you didn’t customize a lot, you won’t have much trouble upgrading.
  3. If that’s the case, simply try replacing 1.14 with 1.20, and look for if the instance starts
  4. If Gitea starts, you should be in the clear. The most fatal breaking changes are config changes. Everything else is mostly behavior changes, i.e. API endpoints that now behave differently or something like that.
  5. If Gitea doesn’t start, either roll back to your backup and try the incremental upgrade, or fix whatever the error message tells you to.

and also run “gitea doctor” I had added this as part of my upgrade cycle and it does catch a few things that are not reported & corrects them


Yeah! I just updated to 1.20.1, there were only one error (about LFS Path stuff), I removed this from the config and it started up like a charm.

Very nice, thanks a lot!