Can't render ipynb for permission issue

I got these information for a docker install.

Render, jupyter render run command /root/.local/bin/jupyter [nbconvert --stdin --stdout --to html --template basic] failed: fork/exec /root/.local/bin/jupyter: permission denied

The docker-compose.yml looks like:

  1 networks:
  2   gitea:
  3     external: false
  5 services:
  6   server:
  7     #image: gitea/gitea:1.22.0
  8     build:
  9       context: .
 10       dockerfile: Dockerfile
 11     container_name: gitea
 12     environment:
 13       - USER_UID=1000
 14       - USER_GID=1000
 15     restart: always
 16     networks:
 17       - gitea
 18     volumes:
 19       - ./gitea:/data
 20       - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
 21       - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
 22     ports:
 23       - "3000:3000"
 24       - "2222:22"

And the DockeFile looks like.

FROM gitea/gitea:1.22.0
COPY custom/app.ini /data/gitea/conf/app.ini

RUN apk --no-cache add asciidoctor freetype freetype-dev gcc g++ libpng libffi-dev pandoc python3-dev py3-pyzmq pipx
# install any other package you need for your external renderers

RUN pipx install jupyter docutils --include-deps
# add above any other python package you may need to install

I tried

docker compose exec server /bin/bash
f34f7174957b:/# /root/.local/bin/jupyter

And I can excute the jupyer command in the container, so I don’t know what I can do

Can you exec into your container as the “git” user and attempt to run the ipynb command (as a normal docker exec will take you to the root user)