Hello Everyone,
I am currently exploring the process of migrating our organization’s repositories from GitLab to Gitea. We are looking for a lightweight, self-hosted solution, and Gitea seems to be a perfect fit for our requirements. However, as we prepare for the transition, I have a few questions and would appreciate insights or guidance from those who have gone through similar migrations.
- Migration Tools: Are there specific tools or scripts that you recommend for migrating repositories, including issues, wiki content, and merge requests, from GitLab to Gitea? I have come across the built-in repository migration feature, but I’m curious about its limitations when it comes to transferring non-code data.
- User Management: What is the best approach to set up user accounts and permissions in Gitea post-migration? Is there any way to preserve user metadata, such as commit history authorship and activity logs?
- CI/CD Integration: Currently, we are using GitLab CI/CD pipelines extensively. While I know Gitea supports integration with Drone and other tools, I’d like to hear from the community about their experiences with alternative CI/CD solutions. What are some common pitfalls or advantages when integrating Gitea with external CI/CD tools?
- Performance and Scalability: We have around 100 repositories and ~50 active users. Are there any performance considerations or best practices we should follow to ensure Gitea runs smoothly at this scale?
If anyone has successfully completed a migration, I’d love to hear about your experiences, any roadblocks you faced, and how you overcame them. Documentation links, personal tips, or recommended workflows would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help!