Granular Issue Notifications (to update yet avoid inadvertently "spamming" issue subscribers)

I want to selectively notify other users when I update an issue to avoid inadvertently “spamming” them.

This is somewhat related to Notification only on mention.

When saving an issue, I would like some users to see a dialog box pop up which contains two pull down menus…

Menu #1

  • Important Update
  • Ordinary Update
  • Minor Update
  • Trivial Update

Menu #2

  • No other users
  • All other users
  • User Group 1
  • User Group 2
  • User Group 3
  • User A
  • User B
  • User C

An issue creator could grant group(s) and/or user(s) the ability to only assign or both assign and edit choices listed under Menu #1 and/or Menu #2.

Each time a user with privileges to edit Menu #1 and/or Menu #2 tries to save an issue, the user would be prompted with the two menus indicated above.

By contrast, each time a user with a privilege to edit Menu #2 (but not a privilege to edit Menu #1) tries to save an issue, the user would be prompted with Menu #2, but not Menu #1.

Here’s a hypothetical use case.

Let’s say a user named Joe were to create an issue named “New policy related to setting the thermostat on the new water heater.” When saving the issue, Joe would be prompted to assign groups and/or users as subscribers to that issue.

For example, let’s say that Joe had decides to subscribe the Maintenance Staff User Group to Important Updates for “New policy related to setting the thermostat on the new water heater” and a user named Adam to Minor Updates for the “New policy related to setting the thermostat on the new water heater.”

Any group(s) and/or user(s) subscribed to Minor Updates for an issue would also receive notifications for Ordinary Updates and Important Updates to that issue; however, any group/user subscribed to Important Updates to that issue would also receive notifications for Important Updates to that issue.

Therefore, Adam would receive a notification for all updates (except Trivial Updates) to “New policy related to setting the thermostat on the new water heater”; whereas, the Maintenance Staff User Group would only receive a notification for Important Updates to “New policy related to setting the thermostat on the new water heater.”