Git LFS push issue

Hi All,

When I git push relatively smaller files (around 50M) using git lfs it works. But when I push a bigger file (GB’s in size), I see the following error in the logs.

lfs/content_store.go:58:Put() [E] Whilst putting LFS OID[ed4479317c3d28c3b7fe68f21176cd2a1b8862cc6ee89934a2defec9f502fa50]: Failed to copy to tmpPath: ed/44/79317c3d28c3b7fe68f21176cd2a1b8862cc6ee89934a2defec9f502fa50 Error: Put  ... readfrom tcp ... : http: ContentLength=16777216 with Body length 8868575

I am using the gitea helm chart for deployment in a HA configuration. lfs has been configured to write the large files to S3.

I am using gitea version: 1.22.1-rootless. Any idea on what could cause the above issue?