Feature: Link "exclusive label" to Board as Swimlanes

One thing I loved about GitLab was that Swimlanes in the project or organization Board were linked to issue Labels

That meant one could make an "exclusive label" and as the label changed on an issue, it moved Swimlane on all Boards the issue was part of

Right now Project Boards are yet another thing to keep straight, as with milestones, rather than tying into existing organizational strategy, as with "exclusive labels" which accomplish that extremely well… though being alphabetically sorted rather than custom sorted to show phase order

Would be great if "exclusive labels" could have a custom order, but either way, would be even better for Project Board to be able to detect and use a certain "exclusive label" if one is present ( once selected and confirmed ) and then drag and drop order of Swimlanes if necessary, as is possible now, but with arbitrary swimlanes which must be set per-project versus be standardized