Create Issue for Organization Project

Hello. I created a Project at the org level. I want to create issues for this project that are not part of any repository but I don’t see that I can do that. It’s strange that I have to go to a repo to create an issue that I can then assign to the org level project. I don’t understand this asymmetry. Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see an issues button at the org level. I assume the concept here is that issues are always connected to a repository which I can appreciate, but I think sometimes for an org project there are issues that simply don’t need to be for a specific repo and maybe for just researching something related to the project that you want to document. Anyhow, I hope I explained myself clearly . Wondering if there was any thought about something like this. Thanks!

I had the same problem and resorted to making a repo with only issues activated and link those to a org project.
It works and from an UX perspective not the most fine example on how to do such a thing.

Thanks. I’ll give that a try and see how it goes.