Code walkthrough: Gitea project migrations, dump and restore

This is one of the Code walkthrough I wrote while exploring the Gitea codebase.

A Gitea instance can be dumped and restored as a whole with a SQL dump of the database and a copy of all the files (lfs, avatars, etc.). The web interface provides a way to permanently migrate a project from other forges (GitHub, GitLab, etc.).

The /api/v1/repos/migrate API endpoint does the same by calling the MigrateRepository function. There are a few unit tests and integration tests.

To migrate from, for instance, GitLab to Gitea, GitlabDownloaderFactory is registered to create a GitlabDownloader which implements the Downloader base interface common to all migrations (the compatibility is enforced at compile time). As an example, issues are downloaded from GitLab using the go-gitlab package and stored in memory by the migrateRepository function. This in-memory representation is then saved in Gitea using an object that implements the Uploader base interface.

It is also possible to dump a single project and restore it with the gitea CLI, on the machine hosting the Gitea instance.

The implementation of the dump-repo relies on the DumpRepository method. It borrows from the logic of the migrations available from the web interface:

When the project is restored, all entries (issues, etc.) are authored by the user doing the migration. The user of the forge from which the project was migrated is preserved: the updateMigrationPosterIDByGitService function records the name and numerical id for issues, pull requests, milestones, … in the OriginalAuthor and OriginalAuthorId fields.


Thanks for sharing such migration codes.

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