SSH connections problems: password and repo not seen

My configuration:
Hosting server running on Windows 10 Home
Gitea v1.22.1
OpenSSH for Windows

APP_NAME = gitea home
RUN_USER = gitea
RUN_MODE = prod
ROOT = C:/SHARE/repos
SSH_DOMAIN = localhost
DOMAIN = localhost
HTTP_PORT = 3000
ROOT_URL = http://localhost:3000/

Note: HTTP just works. No issues there.

What I’m having a two-prong issue with is the following:

  1. I’m being forced to enter my password for the SSH connection:
    $ git clone gitea@localhost:/repos/testvob.git
    Cloning into ‘testvob’…
    gitea@localhost’s password:

  2. After I enter the password, the host returns an error message that reads:
    fatal: ‘’/repos/testvob.git’’ does not appear to be a git repository
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.

The host settings used are mostly the default settings. Only one account being used “gitea”. This account also was created locally on the Windows 10 desktop.

The SSH key was added and verified to include a verified signature.
From the error message, I thought the repo has some permission problem on the host side. I don’t see that. Also the repo is configured as “public”.

Please assist if you can.

The SSH ignore password issue was solved after reviewing this YouTube tutorial.
SSH To Windows Using Public Key (

Now that was the first problem to solve. Goto my next post that solve the SSH clone issue.

SSH git clone on Windows 10 does not work at all - General - Gitea