Set the timezone


We’re running Gitea using Docker on Rancher OS. Rancher OS is very lightweight Linux distro that is not packaged with timezone data, thus it is not on the host and the time is set a UTC. If I run a “date” command from within the container I get Fri May 3 08:55:54 UTC 2019 (which would be expected). However, I was wondering what the correct way to set the timezone for Gitea would be? Is there a setting in app.ini? Or can we just pass -e “TZ=Europe/London” to the docker run command?

Many thanks

Currently we have no timezone setting.

How about now? (sounding like an optometrist)

There is a configuration on app.ini


will help the default UI location.

I believe Lunny meant:


Of course, London is in Europe not Asia.

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Yes, you are totally right!!!

Please kindly note that from version 1.20.2, it’s necessary to define your timezone in app.ini, unless your 2FA codes will not work. It is my personal observation.

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