Ho to change Gitea user account type?

How do I change a Gitea user account type from external account source to local ? - Whenever I try to change to account type it fails and falls back to the external one with the error message: Non-local users are not allowed to change their username. (Using Gitea 1.22.0)


I need to migrate all users from an external authentication source (authelia) to another one (auhentik). Unfortunately the user names also changed. So I thought I could switch them to local account type temporarily, and link them afterwards with the new external one.

I’m pretty sure this already worked with gitea 1.16 / 1.18

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I’m having a similar issue, trying to switch from ldap to local, getting the ‘Non-local users are not allowed to change their username’ error. I’m not changing username, but still get the error. (version 1.22.3)

The changelog for 1.22.4 mentioned this as resolved. Just need to update my instanced and test it again :wink:

Nice, I just updated and it works for me again!

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