Gitea Community - auto-protect default branch

For every repo we need the default branch (main/master) to be protected (no direct changes).
Could not find a config option, created a SQL trigger to automatically protect the default branch of every repository in the Gitea with SQL Server DB:

  1. The trigger is created on the repository table and executed after INSERT or UPDATE.
  2. Inserts rows into the protected_branch table for each repository’s default branch that is not already protected.
  3. Hardcoded column values of the protected_branch table:
  • repo_id: The ID of the repository.
  • branch_name: The name of the default branch.
  • enable_whitelist: An empty string indicating that the whitelist is not enabled.
  • whitelist_user_i_ds, whitelist_team_i_ds, merge_whitelist_user_i_ds, merge_whitelist_team_i_ds, status_check_contexts, approvals_whitelist_user_i_ds, approvals_whitelist_team_i_ds: These columns are set to 'null' as placeholders.
  • required_approvals: Set to 1, indicating that at least one approval is required for merging.
  • protected_file_patterns: Set to '*.*', which means all files are protected.
  • unprotected_file_patterns: An empty string indicating no unprotected file patterns.
  • created_unix, updated_unix: The current timestamp in Unix format (seconds since ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’).
  1. The WHERE clause in the SELECT statement checks if there is no existing protected branch entry for the repository’s default branch using a correlated subquery. This ensures that a new protected branch entry is only inserted if it doesn’t already exist.

The trigger is executed automatically whenever a new repository is inserted or an existing repository is updated in the repository table.

– =============================================
– Author: Vasiliy Goncharenko
– Create date: 2024.04.23
– Description: Make every Gitea ‘default’ branch as protected
– =============================================
CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER dbo.repository_mark_default_branch_as_protected ON repository

-- Make every Gitea 'default' branch as protected (if added as a trigger into repository)
INSERT INTO protected_branch (repo_id, branch_name, enable_whitelist, whitelist_user_i_ds, whitelist_team_i_ds, merge_whitelist_user_i_ds, merge_whitelist_team_i_ds, status_check_contexts, approvals_whitelist_user_i_ds, approvals_whitelist_team_i_ds, required_approvals, protected_file_patterns, unprotected_file_patterns, created_unix, updated_unix)
SELECT, r.default_branch, '', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null', 1, '*.*', '', DATEDIFF(second, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', GETDATE()), DATEDIFF(second, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', GETDATE())
FROM repository r
	FROM protected_branch pb
	WHERE pb.repo_id = AND pb.branch_name = r.default_branch


Thankyou, this trigger actually very useful and I wish this post could be pinned as a must have. This feature shouldn’t have to be exclusive to the enterprise version since main/primary branch should be protected by default to avoid conflicts.