Gitea actions - workflow in a non-main branch is not executed

Step to repro:

  • create the .gitea/workflows/test.yml workflow with any job step and commit it into the main branch
  • create another branch feature/test-wf from main and add or change job steps the .gitea/workflows/test.yml in that branch
  • in gitea UI, trigger the workflow manually (with on: workflow_dispatch) and choose the feature/test-wf branch in the shown popup

Expected: the changed test.yml from the feature/test-wf branch is executed
Reality: .gitea/workflows/test.yml from the main branch is executed

Github correctly executes the triggered workflow from the selected branch but Gitea seems not and I didn’t find the description of its behaviour in this case.

Is this supported by Gitea?

For the tracking: it was fixed in the scope of the GH issue and hope will be available with another 1.23-rc release.