We are proud to present the release of Gitea version 1.9.2.
We have merged 7 pull requests to release this version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.gitea.io/2019/08/gitea-1.9.2-is-released/
We are proud to present the release of Gitea version 1.9.2.
We have merged 7 pull requests to release this version.
Awesome guys. Really cranking it out. Please keep up the amazing work.
Why is there no gitea-1.9.2-linux-arm-7 available for download any more ?
Last release with linux-arm-7 was gitea-1.7.6-linux-arm-7.
kind regards Jens
@Jens due to conflicts with golang compiler for armv7 the binary is no longer available, however the armv6 binary is compatible.
as docker installation stops with
ERROR: no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries
the armv6 binary can not be used with Your provided docker-compose.yml
@Jens only an arm64 (and amd64) image is published for docker (right now), although we hope to publish more arm images.