Act Runner in k8s fail to connect to docker daemon

I got it working - backtracked to the original image i was using 1 hr ago - gitea/act_runner:0.2.9 runs ok with docker:26.1.4-dind

So I used the config.yaml file you specify in your exampleā€¦ and then use the ubuntu-22.04 label to run my loadbuild scripts. My scripts install docker, try to use buildx and the installation went fineā€¦ but then buildx erroredā€¦

ERROR: failed to initialize builder tender_blackwell (tender_blackwell0): Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

I added the ā€˜optionsā€™ section Iā€™d originally missed to my original configmap and still see same type of errorā€¦

ERROR: failed to initialize builder silly_dewdney (silly_dewdney0): 
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. 
Is the docker daemon running?

The runner pod has the DOCKER_HOST set to tcp addressā€¦

I use an image self-hosted in Gitea from here:
gitea/runner-images: Official Gitea Actions runner images - runner-images - Gitea: Git with a cup of tea, ubuntu-act:22.04

The Gitea action in my example is unchanged,

did you try this ?

I havenā€™t tried the whole example as-isā€¦ I tried the configmap.

I believe Iā€™m also use a self-hosted gitea act-runner image for the runner.

I then used gitea runner ubuntu22.04 you have in your labels, and I also tried my home-grown ubuntu 22.04 image. Both ubuntu versions have the same socket error.

I will try the gitea action next.

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I understand

but this label,

is not representing the stock ubuntu 22.04 image.

and in the action you can overide that, with:

    name: build-image
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      # image:
      # image: gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-latest

The label just allows you to specify runs-on:

name: Build Service
    branches: [main]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

Yeah, I did change the runs-on to a gitea runner when I change the configmap file to the example you postedā€¦

        - "ubuntu-latest:docker://gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-latest"
        - "ubuntu-22.04:docker://gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-22.04"
        - "ubuntu-20.04:docker://gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-20.04"

I got the same socket error. I will double-check.

i understand.

but i think youā€™re not touching the image at all,

do this in your action:

image: gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-22.04

Arh, you meanā€¦ using a container imageā€¦ no, I am not. :blush:

From your exampleā€¦

      # image:
      # image: gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-latest
        username: ${{ }}
        password: ${{ secrets.GA_TOKEN }}
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And also the stateful set, switch it to gitea/act_runner:0.2.9 because youā€™re using :latest and is not working.

The reason is the latest Dockerfile is changed, and tini doesnā€™t start
here is the reason: act_runner/Dockerfile at main - act_runner - Gitea: Git with a cup of tea

in the stateful set, the #1 container is looking for docker to start, and with :latest this contraption is not working, will fix it and post a message.

The idea was from here:

The fix is very simple:

replace the current command with:

command: ["sh", "-c", "while ! nc -z localhost 2376 </dev/null; do echo 'waiting for docker daemon...'; sleep 5; done; /sbin/tini --"]

so image: gitea/act_runner:nightly runs with

Also you can upgrade Docker DinD image to: docker:27.3.1-dind

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Thanks for the info.

So, I have this workflowā€¦ and Iā€™ve tried with installing docker and not installing docker and it fails as soon as I call docker buildx create with the same message about socket.

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04    
      image: gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Setup Toolchain (Docker Buildx)
        run: .gitea/workflows/helpers/scripts/

      - name: Build and Push Contest Server Docs
          SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          BRANCH_NAME: ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}
          API_VERSION: "dev"
          RELEASE_NAME: "dev"
        run: |
          cd docs/sphinx/top-level/

It is launched now on a gitea runner imageā€¦

act-runner-5587748d6d-vzdhs(version:v0.2.9) received task 4845 of job 4534, be triggered by event: push
workflow prepared
evaluating expression 'success()'
expression 'success()' evaluated to 'true'
šŸš€  Start image=gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-latest
  šŸ³  docker pull image=gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-latest platform= username= forcePull=false
  šŸ³  docker pull gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-latest

What i recommend is always have a sleep in there that pauses the flow and hop in the container and debug it.

so at the run: | level

# while [ 1 -eq 1 ];do sleep 3600;done;

The ā€˜setup.docker.shā€™ runs just this nowā€¦

echo "Creating buildx using $DOCKER_HOST"
docker buildx create 

which givesā€¦

Creating buildx using 
ERROR: failed to initialize builder blissful_lumiere (blissful_lumiere0): Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

Yeah, will do - I was doing that earlier with the runner and dind containers.
Thanks for all the suggestions and troubleshootingā€¦ I figure I still must have some misconfiguration and will go over this more carefully.

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there is more to buildx to set it up correctly.
use the action, iā€™d say

      - name: Setup Docker Buildx
        id: buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
          # buildkitd-flags: --debug
          endpoint: builders
          DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://docker:2376/"
          DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "/certs"
          DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: 1
          DOCKER_CERT_PATH: "/certs/client"

Also this endpoint setup

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no problem, glad to help

ā€œThe onionā€ is very complex, with many layers, i hate it too.
Github actions running nodejs this that context, endpoint, docker TCP address ā€¦ Everything is worth writing a book :smiley:

I think youā€™re really close,
let me know if any help is needed here.


if you want to do your own thing, build on top of the image from Gitea, setup everything there, and just run one step and a script. Itā€™s perfectly sane and fine.

:checkered_flag: Job succeeded

Ok, ok, okā€¦ it works now! So, I think my problem was I tried to retrofit my original workflow with probably ~70% of your example and ignored some critical onion layers.

Most notably, the DOCKER_* ENVs and tried to home-bake the docker buildx setup instead of using the ā€œSetup Docker Buildxā€ action. I had got quite far on a non-k8s environment but clearly had assumed a lot of magic.

I think there were ~2-3 onion layers I wasnā€™t even thinking about. I had just assumed a gitea runner image would be sufficient. I am not 100% sure why this container is neededā€¦ I assume some magic with nodejs and tcp:// docker host?

But this seemed to be the major thing I was missing for anyone else who has made it this far in the threadā€¦

      image: gitea/runner-images:ubuntu-latest

Thanks again @mariusrugan - Iā€™m not sure if this is an onion or how you know so much about onions but I really appreciate your help and maintaining a working example.

Hopefully my ā€œjob succeededā€ wasnā€™t a fluke and I dont have to come back here with more head scratching ;o)

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@mariusrugan - one more question - not 100% on terminology - but is there a way with gitea act runners using this DinD configuration to use an in-cluster mirror. (k3s for example calls this an embedded mirror).

Iā€™m also interested in a docker layer cache that is shared amongst the runners and not having to rebuild everything from scratch. Iā€™ve noticed, in cluster, with this new shiny DinD setup that every workflow job rebuilds a Dockerfile from scratch as there is no existing layers from previous builds.

Any thoughts on how to configure this or if its even possible to get act runner to use a registry mirror or build cache?